Author: editor

Annual Report   Over the past year, the Chinese Acute Pancreatitis Clinical Trials Group and the Chinese Critical Care Nutrition Trials Group (CAPCTG & CCCNTG) have made solid advances in building an innovative, professional, and international platform. 【Fruitful 2024】 The world's largest prospective cohort of HTG-AP The PERFORM registry was...

  Being Part of the International Research Community   Looking back at the year 2023, the Chinese Acute Pancreatitis Clinical Trials Group and the Chinese Critical Care Nutrition Trials Group (CAPCTG & CCCNTG) had made great progress in the development of high-quality clinical trials. The past year was...

  Special statement Sample size expansion of the ESSENTIAL trial   Considering the latest findings in the EFFORT-Protein trial that higher protein delivery might be harmful to patients with AKI, the ESSENTIAL trial revised the eligible criteria on March 4th 2023, expanding the exclusion criteria from the original version...

On May 29, 2023, the kick-off meeting for “The EFFect Of high pRotein versus usual care on clinical, muscle, physical function and quality of life outcomes in critically ill patienTs (EFFORT-outcomes)” was successfully carried out. Professor Daren Heyland from Queen's University, Professor Zheng Yii Lee from the...

    Database Lock Statement   The CLEVER-AP clinical trial database evaluating the impact of normal saline or balanced crystalloid on plasma chloride concentration and acute kidney injury in patients with predicted severe acute pancreatitis has been locked after collecting and verifying patient data from 11 clinical sites participating...

On December 4, 2021, the Mid-term Seminar on "A Clinical Trial comparing Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Predicted Severe Acute Pancreatitis Patients-A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial (CLEVER-AP) " was conducted in Jinling hospital. The meeting was held online, attended by Clinical Professors Weiqin Li, Zhihui...

Feeding intolerance (FI) is common in critically ill patients fed with enteral nutrition. For now, no reliable quantitative assessment was available in clinical practice. Thus, CCCNTG proposed a FI scoring system based on gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms to assist the implementation of enteral nutrition. In a...

On November 6, 2021, the kick-off meeting for "The Effect of early intravenouS amino acid SupplemENtation in criTically Ill pAtients with normaL kidney function:a multicenter, randomized, parallel-controlled trial (The ESSENTIAL Trial)" was successfully carried out. This meeting was hosted alive by the Jinling Hospital, together...

Special statement   Resumption of CLEVER-AP   Since the domestic Covid-19 outbreak has been well under control, it is expected that the volume of participating sites resumes the normal level in Sep. Given the situation by now, the Trial Management Committee of CLEVER-AP decided to resume trial recruitment on...

Special statement   Suspension of CLEVER-AP   The local Covid-19 outbreak originated from the Lukou airport, Nanjing had spread to five districts and provinces across China by July 30th,2021. Accordingly, the central and local governments had released a series of harsh measures to control the domestic spread of the...