

EffectiveNess of feEding protocol on nutritional thErapy anD clinical outcomes in critically ill patients


Design: a multicenter, cluster-randomized, controlled trial


Status: completed


Keywords: Cluster-randomized trial; Evidence-based guideline;

Intensive care unit; Nutrition therapy

Crit Care. 2022 Feb 16. doi: 10.1186/s13054-022-03921-5.

Lu Ke # 1 2Jiajia Lin # 1Gordon S Doig 3Arthur R H van Zanten 4Yang Wang 5Juan Xing 6Zhongheng Zhang 7Tao Chen 8Lixin Zhou 9Dongpo Jiang 10Qindong Shi 11Jiandong Lin 12Jun Liu 13Aibin Cheng 14Yafeng Liang 15Peiyang Gao 16Junli Sun 17Wenming Liu 18Zhenyu Yang 19Rumin Zhang 20Wei Xing 21An Zhang 22Zhigang Zhou 23Tingfa Zhou 24Yang Liu 25Fei Tong 26Qiuhui Wang 27Aijun Pan 28Xiaobo Huang 29Chuming Fan 30Weihua Lu 31Dongwu Shi 32Lei Wang 33Wei Li 34Liming Gu 35Yingguang Xie 36Rongqing Sun 37Feng Guo 38Lin Han 39Lihua Zhou 40Xiangde Zheng 41Feng Shan 42Jianbo Liu 43Yuhang Ai 44Yan Qu 45Liandi Li 42Hailing Li 46Zhiguo Pan 47Donglin Xu 48Zhiqiang Zou 49Yan Gao 50Chunli Yang 51Qiuye Kou 52Xijing Zhang 53Jinglan Wu 54Chuanyun Qian 55Weixing Zhang 56Minjie Zhang 57Yuan Zong 58Bingyu Qin 59Fusen Zhang 60Zhe Zhai 61Yun Sun 62Ping Chang 63Bo Yu 64Min Yu 65Shiying Yuan 66Yijun Deng 67Liyun Zhao 68Bin Zang 69Yuanfei Li 70Fachun Zhou 71Xiaomei Chen 72Min Shao 73Weidong Wu 74Ming Wu 75Zhaohui Zhang 76Yimin Li 77Qiang Guo 78Zhiyong Wang 79Yuanqi Gong 80Yunlin Song 81Kejian Qian 82Yongjian Feng 83Baocai Fu 84Xueyan Liu 85Zhiping Li 86Chuanyong Gong 87Cheng Sun 88Jian Yu 89Zhongzhi Tang 90Linxi Huang 91Biao Ma 92Zhijie He 93Qingshan Zhou 94Rongguo Yu 95Zhihui Tong 96Weiqin Li 97 98, Chinese Critcal Care Nutrition Trials Group (CCCNTG)

FIGURE 1 Evidence-based feeding guideline.

Figure 2 The flow of clusters (ICUs) and participants (patients) through the trial

TABLE 3 Patient-centered outcomes and adverse events for all enrolled patients


Thymosin Alpha 1 in the pRevention of pAncreatic infeCtion following acute nEcrotizing pancreatitis


Design: a double-blinded multi-centered, randomized control trial


Status: completed


Keywords:Acute pancreatitis; Immunosuppression;Thymosin;

Pancreatic necrosis; Infection

Table 1 Flowchart

Figure 2 Primary and secondary endpoints

Figure 2 Time- to-infection by day 90

Figure 1 Trial flowchart.

Figure 1 Trial flowchart.

Figure 2 Schedule for participants enrolment, drug administration and data collection.

Figure 2 Schedule for participants enrolment, drug administration and data collection.

Figure 1 Geographic distribution of the respondents.

Figure 2 Baseline characteristics of respondents.


Balanced Crystalloids versus saLine in prEdicted seVERe Acute Pancreatitis patients


Design: a multicenter, stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized, controlled trial


Status: recruiting completed


Keywords: acute kidney injury; acute pancreatitis; crystalloid; intravenous fluid; saline

Front. Med., 04 October 2021. doi.org/10.3389/fmed.2021.731955

Bo Ye1, Mingfeng Huang1, Tao Chen2, Gordon Doig3, Bin Wu4, Mingzhi Chen5, Shumin Tu6Xiaomei Chen7, Mei Yang8Guoxiu Zhang9Qiang Li10Xinting Pan11, Lijuan Zhao12, Honghai Xia13, Yan Chen14Lu Ke1,14*Zhihui Tong1*, Rinaldo Bellomo15,16,17,18John Windsor19 and Weiqin Li1,14 for the Chinese Acute Pancreatitis Clinical Trials Group (CAPCTG)

Figure 1 Crystalloid assignment during the trial

Figure 2 Schedule of enrollment, interventions, and assessments

FIGURE 1  Flow chart of participants.

TABLE 1 Schedule of enrollment, assessment and follow up.


Effect of plasmapheresis versus standard medical treatment in patients with hypertriglyceridemia-associated acute pancreatitis complicated by early organ failure


Design: a multicenter, pragmatic, registry-based randomized controlled trial


Status: recruiting


Keywords: Hypertriglyceridemia; Acute pancreatitis; Plasmapheresis


The effect of early intravenous amino acid supplementation in critically ill patients without acute kidney injury


Design: a multicentre, randomised, parallel-controlled trial


Status: recruiting completed


Keywords: Amino acid; Critical care; Kidney function; Protein.


The impact of protein delivery on short-term and long-term clinical outcomes in critically ill patients


Design: a multicenter, prospective, observational study


Status: recruiting completed


Keywords: Critical illness; EQ5D5L; Nutrition support; Protein intake.