EffectiveNess of feEding protocol on nutritional thErapy anD clinical outcomes in critically ill patients
Design: a multicenter, cluster-randomized, controlled trial
Status: completed
Keywords: Cluster-randomized trial; Evidence-based guideline;
Intensive care unit; Nutrition therapy
for the Chinese Critical Care Nutrition Trials Group (CCCNTG)
Thymosin Alpha 1 in the pRevention of pAncreatic infeCtion following acute nEcrotizing pancreatitis
Design: a double-blinded multi-centered, randomized control trial
Status: completed
Keywords:Acute pancreatitis; Immunosuppression;Thymosin;
Pancreatic necrosis; Infection
Design: an open-label multi-center randomized controlled trial
Status: recruiting completed
Keywords: Acute necrotic collection; Acute pancreatitis; Necrosis; Percutaneous drainage; Persistent organ failure
Balanced Crystalloids versus saLine in prEdicted seVERe Acute Pancreatitis patients
Design: a multicenter, stepped-wedge, cluster-randomized, controlled trial
Status: recruiting completed
Keywords: acute kidney injury; acute pancreatitis; crystalloid; intravenous fluid; saline
Bo Ye1†, Mingfeng Huang1†, Tao Chen2, Gordon Doig3, Bin Wu4, Mingzhi Chen5, Shumin Tu6, Xiaomei Chen7, Mei Yang8, Guoxiu Zhang9, Qiang Li10, Xinting Pan11, Lijuan Zhao12, Honghai Xia13, Yan Chen14, Lu Ke1,14*, Zhihui Tong1*, Rinaldo Bellomo15,16,17,18, John Windsor19 and Weiqin Li1,14 for the Chinese Acute Pancreatitis Clinical Trials Group (CAPCTG)
Design: a multi-centered, register-based, observational study
Status: recruiting
Keywords: TG-lowering therapy; acute pancreatitis (AP); cohort study; hypertriglyceridemia (HTG); organ failure free day
Effect of plasmapheresis versus standard medical treatment in patients with hypertriglyceridemia-associated acute pancreatitis complicated by early organ failure
Design: a multicenter, pragmatic, registry-based randomized controlled trial
Status: recruiting
Keywords: Hypertriglyceridemia; Acute pancreatitis; Plasmapheresis
The effect of early intravenous amino acid supplementation in critically ill patients without acute kidney injury
Design: a multicentre, randomised, parallel-controlled trial
Status: recruiting completed
Keywords: Amino acid; Critical care; Kidney function; Protein.
The impact of protein delivery on short-term and long-term clinical outcomes in critically ill patients
Design: a multicenter, prospective, observational study
Status: recruiting completed
Keywords: Critical illness; EQ5D5L; Nutrition support; Protein intake.
TABLE 1 Schedule of enrolment, interventions, and assessments.
TABLE 1 Feeding intolerance score